A proud part of the
Democratic Party of McHenry County

Don’t miss our ‘Democracy in Bluem’ Dinner on Saturday April 20th featuring Chris Welch!

Republican politicians talk a lot about "freedom".
Here's what they really mean:

  • Freedom of rich people not to pay their fair share of taxes (or ANY taxes.)  (Everybody else should pay taxes — just not the rich.)
  • Freedom of corporations to pollute, to bust unions, to send good jobs overseas, to pay starvation wages, and to sell dangerous and defective products.  Freedom to deny that there’s any climate crisis, and to halt the clean-energy transformation in its tracks.
  • Freedom to deny to women the right to make their own decisions about whether to continue or terminate a pregnancy.
  • Freedom for people without money to freeze, to starve, and to go without medical care.
  • Freedom to destroy our precious public schools, for kids to go without a decent education, and to divert precious tax dollars to private sectarian schools.
  • Freedom to whip up hatred against gay people, trans people, immigrants or any other convenient punching bag.
  • Freedom to ban books.  Freedom to deny that racism remains a blot on our nation and to prevent our kids from learning the complicated truth about our history.
  • Freedom to flood our streets with firearms, especially assault weapons with no conceivable use except mass murder, and then to deny any responsibility for the ensuing carnage.  Freedom to oppose even the mildest and most common-sense gun regulations.

We Democrats aren’t perfect… but we’re making things better.  Elect Republicans and you can be sure that everything will keep on getting worse.

Visit the Democratic Party of McHenry County at mchenrydems.org.
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May 10th: Jan Schakowsky’s 23rd Annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch

Please join our very own, US Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky for her 23rd Annual Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch, on Friday May 10th at the Hyatt Regency, 151 East Wacker Drive, in downtown Chicago…

May 14th: PRH’s Voices of Courage with John Oliver

Please join Physicians for Reproductive Health for Voices of Courage, their annual celebration recognizing two courageous abortion providers making a tremendous impact in their communities while facing political attacks, harassment, and criminalization…

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